RPCXLib v1.0 - 12/08/93 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Packing list : CLOWN.PCX - Sample PCX file COUGAR.PCX - Sample PCX file KINGTUT.PCX - Sample PCX file MEMYSELF.PCX - Sample PCX file (that's me ...) README.TXT - This file RPCXDEMO.PRG - Demonstration program for RPCXLib RPCXLIB.CH - Header file with pre-defined constants RPCXLIB.DOC - Documentation of RPCXLib RPCXLIB.FRM - Registration form RPCXLIB.GDR - Driver file for SuperVGA adapters RPCXLIB.LIB - Clipper library RPCXLIB.NG - Norton Guide for RPCXLib Compilation and linking of the demonstration program : CLIPPER RPCXDEMO /N RTLINK FILE RPCXDEMO LIB RPCXLIB (or BLINKER FILE RPCXDEMO LIB RPCXLIB)